We are glad to announce the first Ph.D. course on Continual Learning offered by PAI Lab through our Vincenzo Lomonaco.

The course will be based on 8 lectures (2 hours each) and a final session composed of 2 invited talks. You can find below the calendar of the course, which is also part of the European AI Doctoral Program (AIDA).

Introduction & Motivation (22/11)
Understanding Catastrophic Forgetting (24/11)
Scenarios & Benchmarks (29/11)
Evaluation & Metrics (1/12)
Methodologies [part 1] (6/12)
Methodologies [part 2] (8/12)
Methodologies [part 3] & Applications (13/12)
Frontiers in Continual Learning (15/12)
Invited Lectures (20/12)