Scope and Aim
PAILab is a joint initiative by University of Pisa and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). We bring together researchers with different backgrounds and interests to pursue research at the crossroads of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud/Edge/IoT, HPC, Machine Learning and Pervasive computing.
PAILab builds heavily on collaborative research both within its partnership and its collaborators, as well as through project development activities. Our laboratory has an international and project driven nature. We are active in the design, development and coordination of European and national projects as well as industry-funded grants.
Members of PAILab engage in the organization of educational and dissemination events, and in scientific and technological consulting on topics related to the laboratory research themes (a sample follows).
Research themes (non-exhaustive)
- Adaptive placement of applications on the Cloud-Iot continuum
- AI-on-Cloud, AI-for-the-Cloud, AIaaS
- Algorithms, software and hardware platforms for high-performance and scalable processing of AI and ML models
- Continuous reasoning on Cloud-IoT applications
- Cybersecurity in ML
- Design and development of algorithms, models and software for AI and ML
- Distributed and embedded AI and learning
- Distributed, embedded and in-silico neural computation
- Federated learning
- Deep graph networks in pervasive AI applications
- Intelligent IoT and cyberphysical systems
- Learning on streaming data and continual learning
- Multi-agents systems in pervasive computing
- Methods, algorithms and systems for human-aware, secure and safe AI in pervasive computing scenarios
- Learning at-the-edge
- Trustworthy AI
For information about the laboratory activities, collaborations and membership please contact us: