The Pervasive Artificial Intelligence Lab develops cutting-edge research at the crossroads of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud/Edge/IoT, HPC, Machine Learning and Pervasive computing. In particular, but not exclusively, the lab is focused on the following research themes:

  • Adaptive placement of applications on the Cloud-Iot continuum
  • AI-on-Cloud, AI-for-the-Cloud, AIaaS
  • Algorithms, software and hardware platforms for high-performance and scalable processing of AI and ML models
  • Continuous reasoning on Cloud-IoT applications
  • Cybersecurity in ML
  • Design and development of algorithms, models and software for AI and ML
  • Distributed and embedded AI and learning
  • Distributed, embedded and in-silico neural computation
  • Federated learning
  • Deep graph networks in pervasive AI applications
  • Intelligent IoT and cyberphysical systems
  • Learning on streaming data and continual learning
  • Multi-agents systems in pervasive computing
  • Methods, algorithms and systems for human-aware, secure and safe AI in pervasive computing scenarios
  • Learning at-the-edge
  • Trustworthy AI